How to strengthen your bones? That is always the question. Strong bones can prevent fractures and also having proper bone health can help combat osteoporosis in the future. Strong bone health is good for pretty much anyone because fractures can happen anytime anywhere. The femur, This is the longest bone in the human body. Having this bone fractured can not only leave one paralyzed but it can also cause excessive bleeding and ultimately death, but what is a bone? we have to understand a few things about bones. Well bones are solid strong structures and they basically give the human body the shape It has. They can do this because they consist of crystallized Matrix made out of hydroxyapatite and this gives the bones an Incredible strength and rigidity this crystallized hydroxyapatite makes up to 70 percent of the weight of the bone. This crystallized Matrix in the bones and Bones themselves are built by the osteoblasts. These cells are capable of creating proteins and crystallizing the Matrix in which they themselves but also proteins remain embedded. Now, The osteoblasts are building the bone but the cells called osteoclasts are performing the resorption of the old bone tissue or damaged bone fragments. Now, It is perfectly normal to have osteoblasts through their work and the osteoclasts do their work and it is estimated that within 10 years, The entire bone structure of a human changes and it is rebuilt by the osteoblasts again, clearly this gives us an open window where we can do something about our bones health. So, one of the main factors that can help us increase the bone strength and density is exercise. All the bones in your body experience constant change in rebuilding but imagine what would happen if you would be sitting in your chair for 10 years and not using your bones at all? What would stimulate these osteoblasts to actually perform all this heavy work of building bones again when you’re not even using them? Human body is smart and it would try to save the nutrients and energy for other things where they are needed. However if you exercise or do workout and your muscles do exert force on these bones by pulling them in a certain direction. Well then these osteoblasts and osteoclasts can sense that and they can increase their work to rebuild and strengthen your bones but providing these cells with a stimulus, it’s not enough. These cells the osteoblasts well they have to use something to build this bone material and that something includes cheese milk and other phosphate and calcium-rich foods. So, Yes! your diet is also important another factor that can help make the bones more rigid and strong is Sun exposure. Well, Sun exposure helps build the vitamin D and vitamin D itself is a hormone that strengthens the bones but it also boosts testosterone and testosterone also strengthens the bones and makes them more rigid. A small amount of sun exposure can do you a whole lot of good if however these things do not help you save your bone health and you still experience pathological bone changes then other options are available such as bisphosphonate medication bphosphonates are an anti-resorptive type of medication and they help prevent these osteoclasts from destroying the bone structure. Normally, We would see a resorption markers such as trap5b and the ntx or CTX collagen reduced if the therapy is successful but besides reducing the process of resorption of the bone. we can also help increase the formation of the bone by these osteoblasts. We can do that with the help of a medication called teriperatide. We would expect to see an increase of formation markers such as bsap and pi and P because a treatment of bone related issues can include therapy options without medication but also with different types of medication. It can be really hard to figure out what kind of therapy is appropriate, These decisions have to be made by evaluating clinical examination but also lab and Medical Imaging results this can only be performed by a skilled and educated medical professional who knows what to look for. Medical professionals and patients, We have something for you. If you are a medical professional and you want to make videos like these then go to but if you are a patient and you have more questions about bones fractures or osteoporosis then go to
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