We’ve all been there having a headache and not being able to work or concentrate because of it and mostly we just ignore it or just take some painkillers and go to sleep. But, Sometimes and not that rarely headache can be a symptom of a more dangerous underlying condition. It should be always recognized if these symptoms are in a combination with other symptoms such as anxiety, racing heart or tahicardia. This combination indicates that something might be wrong with hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and the adrenal glands sit on top of kidneys. This can be truly dangerous because the condition that can mess up. These two hormones has a mortality rate of almost 100 percent if not diagnosed and treated. First of all this condition is hardly diagnosed by measuring adrenaline air nor adrenaline because these hormones fluctuate so much that a meaningful analysis it. It’s not quite possible so how can we diagnose what’s causing these adrenaline or nor adrenaline fluctuations and is something causing it at all before i explain this. I would like to ask you to do something for us. You see youtube and other websites suggest videos based on subscriptions and likes and yeah that’s what i was about to ask if you can please help us reach more people with these issues and spread the information and you can help us do that by subscribing now. Somewhere, There should be a button and liking the video. So, to properly diagnose this condition a skilled doctor should be able to assume the presence of a tumor of the adrenal gland called pheochromocytoma and that is the answer that we’ve been looking for. Phyochromocytoma can cause an increased secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline and diagnosing it, It’s not always easy one. Obstacle in diagnosing this condition is the inability to diagnose it by simply measuring adrenaline or adrenaline. We have to measure it indirectly by measuring metabolites because adrenaline and or adrenaline are fluctuating too much and as i’ve said a meaningful analysis it’s almost impossible. Furthermore, Medical imaging tests trying to visualize the tumor might reveal that tumor but a proper medical imaging test has to be chosen in a proper setting and so in my opinion, The first thing simply assuming that there might be a pheochromocytoma is the hardest obstacle in diagnosing. This condition simply questioning what might be causing this combination of symptoms and there is this thing called a triad and a triad is a combination of three symptoms that indicate a specific condition any tried for fear. Chromosotoma consists basically of headaches, night sweats and tachycardia. However, not all of the symptoms have to be caused and many of these symptoms are just general symptoms and that’s why a proper analysis of clinical presentation of the patient and of the constellation of symptoms is mandatory and it can only be performed in a competent way by a skilled medical professional. Both of you patients and doctors we have something for you. If you’re a doctor and you want to make videos like these then go to anatomsky.com but if you have more questions about fear chromosotoma then go to com symtomsky.com/help/fiochromosatoma
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