Being sad or experiencing depression can be life-changing. It not only affects your mood and your feelings but it also can affect your job and school as well. No matter how much someone loves you, If you’re constantly depressed and sad. They might be less attracted to you. Simply because their brain Associates less happy moments with you. Now, Somebody might be a very thoughtful and meaningful person and not you know they find meaning in everything. So, They will still develop some affection but that is often not the case. Depression can cause chaos in someone’s life and worst thing about it is that we often don’t know what to do against it. Sure, You can treat it with antidepressants or simply try to ignore it and move on with your life somehow. However, Sometimes depression is caused by an underlying organic issue. Psychological symptoms almost identical to those of pure psychogenic. Depression can be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Furthermore vitamin D deficiency can cause a secondary hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to depression and of course you can then try to treat vitamin D deficiency by simply taking more vitamin D or getting more sunlight exposure. Things however are not always that simple a vitamin D can have dangerous consequences such as skeletal deformations and fractures as well as osteoporosis osteoporosis can lead to death if the femur the longest bone in the human body is fractured and the bleeding is not stopped. Lower vitamin D is also associated with lower immune Readiness of the body and therefore patients are more easily infected and they can more easily end up having lethal conditions such as sepsis but besides these consequences of vitamin D deficiency the causes of it the underlying causes for vitamin D deficiency can be very dangerous and lethal as well vitamin D production depends on multiple organs and that includes skin that gets sunlight exposure but it also includes gastrointestinal tract and besides that also liver and kidneys so the most common cause we think about when it comes to vitamin D deficiency is this lack of sun light exposure but chronic inflammatory bowel diseases can cause vitamin D deficiency as well and so can chronic kidney disease vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in a liver patients and liver failure patients and last but not least cancers such as lymphomas can cause it as well. So, the therapy for vitamin D deficiency or simple prevention can be simple but is it enough vitamin D3 can be taken orally in different dosage is recommended for different groups of patients. We differentiate between the elderly and children but also between healthy population and population with additional risk factors but because of all of these issues. I’ve mentioned and Illustrated it is not smart to Simply assume that only sunlight exposure or a pill can fix it. A skilled doctor should be able to recognize signs and symptoms that indicated something might be wrong and this might not only increase the patient’s life quality if these causes are treated but it can also save the patient’s life. So, depression itself has to be investigated as well not every depression is simply psychogenic these dangerous and organic causes for depression or vitamin D deficiency have to be ruled out. Both of you doctors and patients we have something for you if you’re a doctor and you want to make videos like these then go to but if you’re more interested in depression then go to we try to help the best we can.
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